Mrs. Bartlett's 5th grade class
Mrs. Bartlett's 5th grade class
Lesson plans are updated weekly unless otherwise noted by dates on the plans.
Spelling/Vocab Words
Test will be Friday 1/17/25
Lesson 17
geothermal – of, relating to, or using the natural heat produced inside the Earth.
hypothermia – a condition in which the temperature of the body is very low.
thermal – of, relating to, or caused by heat; designed to keep you warm by preventing heat from leaving your body.
thermos – a container that keeps liquids hot or cold for long periods of time.
thermostat – a device that automatically adjusts the temperature in a room to a desired level.
hyperactive – extremely active or too active.
hypersensitive – having feelings that are very easily hurt; very strongly and easily affected or harmed by something.
superintendent – a person who directs or manages a place, department, or organization; a person who is in charge of cleaning, maintaining, and repairing a building.
hypodermic – going under the skin.
subconscious – existing in the part of the mind that a person is not aware of; existing in the mind but not consciously known or felt.